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Ridge Valley Farm is located in Sumneytown, Montgomery county. We have a 30-acre farm, primarily woods, and our trees grow naturally and are free range. We are not certified organic; however, our syrup does not contain anything other than pure sap.

Our trees are never sprayed or fertilized. Our syrup is graded according to USDA standards, and we are licensed by the PA Dept of Ag.

We start tapping our trees in January. We have a series of tubing lines; the sap flows through the lines and into a collection tank. The sap is then run through a reverse osmosis machine before we start to boil it.

Maple syrup is a sweet, sticky liquid made from the sap of maple trees. It takes about 40 gallons of sap to make just one gallon of syrup!

Making maple syrup begins by drilling holes into the maple tree and inserting spouts. A large container is placed beneath the tap to collect the sap as it flows out of the tree.

Once enough sap has been collected, it is time to start boiling it down into syrup. This is done by heating the sap in a large evaporator pan over an open fire. As the water boils off, the syrup becomes more and more concentrated until it finally reaches that perfect sticky-sweet consistency.

Our syrup is available in plastic jugs in the following sizes: gallon, 1/2 gallon, quart, pint, and 1/2 pint. We also stock syrup in decorative glass bottles and can do favors for weddings, anniversaries, and showers.

Our maple value added products include maple granola, maple coated walnuts and pecans, and maple snack mix.

Orders for maple baked goods are gladly taken. Baked goods include: maple chocolate chip cookies, maple walnut cookies, maple crackletop cookies, maple leaf shaped cookies, and maple breakfast cake

How Maple Syrup Is Made - Full Documentary

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